Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New Moon in Leo

New Moon Setting by Avital Pinnick
New Moon Setting, a photo by Avital Pinnick on Flickr.

Whoa, mama!  This Summer has been really busy, but not very Summery if that makes any sense.  A little disappointing when I stop to think about what that really means.  But life goes on.  I feel like I've spent the last month inside and I pretty much have.  I don't want to get into the specifics, but I've felt very stressed out.  I have had a few days where I've had a really hard time staying inside my body and not drifting away on a daydream cloud.  Which I am wont to do even under regular circumstances.  I've barely even gone to the grocery store.  I’ve had not one minute to connect with my green side.  Or make the new soaps I've been dreaming of.  But guess what?  It’s August 6th, the New Moon. 

To me the new moon is a pause and chance to push the reset button on life.  It’s time to look at the past month and assess.   Is what you're doing working?  Was there something that you did or happened that you loved and you'd like more of?  Did something absolutely not work for you?  The new moon is the time to say Yes or No.  Thank you, more please!  Or STOP NOW.  I absolutely love the little ritual of taking a minute, yes taking a minute, to maybe sit with your journal and some tea.  Or take a walk outside, alone.  Even go for a swim, it is August after all.  Let yourself think about the past twenty eight days.  And yourself.  Think about yourself.  You are important too. 

Then it is time to set intentions.  What that means to me is that I choose a step to take.  Sometimes that can be I want to drink more bone broth, so this month I might want to focus on that.  This allows me to think about how will I drink more broth?  Maybe I will put stickies up reminding me.  Maybe I will write it into my schedule to make broth on Mondays.  Usually what it means is that I find something that’s getting in my way and I choose to let go of that.  I am not sure what I will be getting rid of or adding this month.  But I do so look forward to this time to reflect.

If you want to know more about what it means that the new moon is in Leo, there is a ton of info out there.  Here are some of the sites I've read.  Although to be fair I'm not entirely sure how I feel about astrology, it is interesting to think about. 

I hope you can take a minute to gather your thoughts together and allow yourself to set the tone for your next month. 

If you have a new moon tradition, won't you please share it with me?  I'd love to hear about!